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More Inspection Group based company in Thailand Since 2021 in the field of Inspection, QA/QC, Welding and Advanced NDT Techniques, Heavy Steel Fabrication and Technical Man Power Supply. We have wide spread our wings in Thailand.

More Inspection Group is an independent international organization delivering a multiple range of highly professional specialized Quality Services worldwide.

• We are know to delivery our services with highest consistency which is backed by highly qualified professionals leader our teams.

• Association with multi‐disciplinary Professionals worldwide on assignment basis.

Preshipment Inspection

Pre-shipment inspection protects company and government revenues through a detailed inspection and verification of the goods due for import. Our PSI services assist in eliminating the need to transfer funds to other countries and/or the payment of taxes and duties for erroneous or counterfeit goods.

QA/QC Inspection Services

Third-party quality control inspection of fabrication for Welding and NDT, also as well as inspection of bolting and painting of structural steel and piping. MoreInspection provides Quality Control (QA/QC) inspectors who are qualified inspectors (e.g., CWI / CSWIP / API & NDT). QA/QC inspectors perform fabrication inspection and verification of the manufacturing process. Inspectors conduct visual inspections of material for conformance with the approved specifications, plans and codes, as well as verification of Certified Material Test Reports (CMTR) for materials used.