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Inspection Services

More Inspection Group inspection services help clients to evaluate whether their products, processes and services comply with all the relevant standards, both regulatory and voluntary.

More Inspection Group inspects all types of facilities, products and services worldwide, guaranteeing objective and impartial results and helping its clients to fulfill their contractual obligations with their own clients or suppliers.

More Inspection Group Project Quality Management System will monitor and control every quality aspect of your project, from independent third party vendor inspection at the purchasing stage, to on-site quality monitoring during construction. This service enables the client to monitor the process at every stage and deal with concerns in a timely fashion. It will also reduce the need for costly and unnecessary project cost overruns.

The wide range of Inspection Services can be used by organization to make sure the Equipment Facilities, products and Systems comply with all the applicable requirements. We undertake On Call, short term and long term projects. According to the client requirements, More Inspection Group can provide the following inspection services:

  • Third Party Inspection and Expediting
  • Vendor & Source Inspection
  • Pressure Equipment Inspection
  • Piping & Structural Inspection for Module LNG & HRSG
  • Static Equipment Inspection
  • Electronics & Instrumentation products and system Inspection
  • Packing/Marking and Pre-Shipment Inspection
  • Factory Audits / Shop Survey
  • Marine and Subsea
  • Pipeline and OCTG
  • Pharmaceutical

Shop & Site Inspection Services

The process, projects must comply with local and international regulations during the construction at Shop & Site, while ensuring that human and environmental safety are maintained against a background of cost control.

Product Inspection & Expedite

These inspection and expedite services are provided during the construction phase of new industrial asset development.